Depositing Uniswap LP tokens for the ETH WORLD pair into the website/farming contract rewards users with
another 1% pool. Every block, 1% from every $WORLD token transaction is sent to the LP Rewards pool
contract. At midnight (UTC), the system takes account of the total amount of the pool, and then
distributes 1% from it as the upcoming day's rewards split into every block. This way, every day 1% of the
total reward pool will be sent as rewards to the LP providers, whether or not there was a $WORLD token
transaction on that specific block. This ensures LP providers will get a guaranteed reward on every block,
the reward scales higher as the pool gets larger, and that the reward pool will never be drained.
The accrued rewards are displayed on the user dashboard on the website and are claimable any time without
fees, outside of the ETH network fee(gas) for claiming. This pool is reserved entirely for LP providers.
At any time, there may be 100 holders and 2 LP providers and in which case the LP providers would earn
more rewards than holders. During our first day of launch, 1 million tokens were immediately assigned to
the contract to start the rewards pool immediately.